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Gluten free brownie

After so many questions asked about my favourite cake for people following a healthy lifestyle, here is my recipe! I find a gluten-free diet especially helpful for those who have thyroid problems, although I recommend for everyone to try it once and see how they would feel. Since I started avoiding gluten, I immediately lost weight and my skin brightened up. You might speculate it’s just a big hype at the moment, but you might as well give it a try and see for yourself. This gluten-free brownie, which I really love, contains (hold on!) red beans instead of flour. What I advise you to do is ask someone to try it first and when the victim doesn’t realise it contains vegetables, you can tell the truth. :D Ingredients:

1 red kidney bean can

2 eggs + 1 egg white

1 small banana

1 table spoon of cacao powder

1 spoon of coconut oil

1 flat table spoon of baking powder

50 g sugar (I would use Xylitol sugar / Stevia, but be aware that these are sweeter than the usual one)

A few hazelnuts

Additionally for fitness freaks: 1 scoop of protein powder (vanilla, chocolate or women vegan blend)

Remove the water from the kidney beans and rinse them with fresh water. Dry them on the kitchen towel. Mix all ingredients except for the hazelnuts by using a blender. When ready, add the chopped hazelnuts.

Baking time: 35–40 min Temperature: 180 C

Enjoy your magical brownie and don’t forget to tag me in your creations, I will try not to lick my screen! :D

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